Helping Your Pets Beat the Heat

Helping Your Pets Beat the Heat

Summer is a fun time for both humans and pets, but it also brings with it the danger of heat-related illnesses for our furry friends. As a responsible pet owner, especially amidst the recent brutally hot weather, it is crucial to take necessary precautions to ensure that our pets stay safe, cool and comfortable throughout the scorching summer months. In this blog, we’ll discuss some important tips on how to help pets beat the heat and stay safe during the summer.

Clean Water

Arguably the most essential tip to note is the importance of providing plenty of fresh, clean water for your pets at all times. Dehydration is a serious risk for pets during the summer, so make sure to refill their water bowls frequently and consider investing in a water fountain to encourage them to drink more. Additionally, try adding some ice cubes to their water or freezing treats like peanut butter in ice cube trays for a refreshing and hydrating snack.

No Hot Cars

The other arguably most-essential tip to help pets beat the heat is to never leave them in a hot car, even for a short period of time. The temperature inside a car can quickly reach dangerous levels, even with the windows cracked open. If you need to run errands, it is best to leave your pet at home in a cool, shaded area. If you must travel with your pet, make sure to keep the air conditioning on and take frequent breaks to allow them to cool down.

Shade, Shade, Shade!

Keep in mind that we enjoy being in the shade, and so does your pet! Make sure that your pet has access to a shady spot in the yard or consider setting up a canopy or umbrella to provide additional relief from the sun. If you need to walk your pet during the day, try to stick to shaded paths and avoid hot pavement, which can burn their paws. Or, take them swimming! Many dogs love to be in the water, an activity that will also help them cool off.


Grooming is an overlooked aspect of helping pets beat the heat. Regular brushing can help to remove excess fur and prevent overheating, especially for pets with long or thick coats. However, it is important not to shave your pet completely, as their fur provides protection from the sun and helps to regulate their body temperature. If you have a pet with a double coat like a Husky or Malamute, consider scheduling a professional grooming session to help them stay cool.

Signs of Heatstroke

Always pay attention to your pet’s behavior and watch out for signs of heatstroke, such as excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and vomiting. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from heatstroke, move them to a cooler area immediately, offer them water to drink, and contact your veterinarian for further instructions. With these tips in mind, you can help your pets beat the heat and enjoy a safe and comfortable summer.

Shop Summer Pet Supplies at A.W. Brown’s

At A.W. Brown’s, we offer a wide variety of summer products for your pets. From freezable treats and cooling jackets to waterproof toys for time by the lake or pool and so much more, we’ve got everything you need for a fun and stress-free summer experience. Check out our products or give us a call for more information today!

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